Today in the Rhema "Christian Yoga" Daily...When we look at the Bible, we see that when God remembers many of the people that have lived and died, He remembers their amazing acts of faith.
Despite the fact that many of the people He talks about in glowing terms sinned, He ignores the sins and magnifies their faith. Why is it that He remembers their faith, without remembering their sin? In a word, repentance. When we repent, God is quick to forgive, and when God forgives, He forgets that part of our history that is sin. If God forgives us and forgets our past, why don't we? At Rhema Yoga, we use our system of Christian Yoga to remember that we can get past our past, and begin a new life as soon as tomorrow. We don't have to be a victim of our past.
This Week in the Rhema "Christian Yoga" Weekly...Whether you are aware of it or not, there is no one in your life who has a more influential voice than... you.
It's not your spouse, a parent, a child or a friend. It's you. It's the stories you tell yourself about these people or what they did, the stories you tell yourself about the way you look, the way you feel, and so much more. No one talks to yourself more often than you do - what sort of stories will you tell yourself? Often, what you tell yourself is also what you meditate on, in either worry, happiness, doubt, or something else. You are in a constant, unending conversation with yourself. You are talking all the time, and telling yourself stories about everything around you. The stories you tell yourself all come from interpreting, perceiving and analyzing everything you see, feel and here - the external stimulates all around you. How are you perceiving things? What lens are you perceiving things with? What stories are you telling yourself? Speak life over yourself. Dare to believe that life is good, that you are good, and that God loves you. It can take courage to believe that people like you, that you are attractive, and that you add a lot to the groups you belong to. That courage is worth it though, because your self-talk can change your self-esteem, your self-image, and your life! God says you are amazing, and he knows you better than you know yourself. Why don't you join him? This Week in the Rhema "Christian Yoga" Weekly...I remember a time when I was younger, where I would stare out of the window for up to one hour without moving. I was absorbed in the view and the show outside.
The green color of the grass, the birds singing and flying around. Even the dog next door! At the time, my parents assumed I was daydreaming of castles and dragons. To be fair, I often did, so I can't blame them for drawing that conclusion. But in truth, my form of daydreaming was to be present and mindful of all of the life going on around me. Having been through different yoga trainings and retreats, as well as three years of ministry school, I've done quite a few mindfulness exercises. Often they work for a short time, and then they don't... and then they do again... sometimes they only work to stress me out! It was only recently that I remembered that time when I was a kid, dreaming mindfully out of the window for hours on end. Why did I stop? Well, I have a feeling that it had a lot to do with authority figures telling me not to daydream, to pay attention, and that only little kids daydream. But here's the thing, being mindful doesn't have to be stressful. It doesn't have to be a "thing" you do. It can, and maybe it should, just look like you staring out the window, enjoying the view. This Week in the Rhema "Christian Yoga" Weekly...Last week I talked with John Hutchings on Healthy Edge Radio about getting your family to eat healthy–especially when your kids won’t touch veggies! (One method–try a smoothie! A great one for kids is my Tropical Summer Smoothie recipe above.)
We talked with Dr. Stephen Cook (left) about an interview I did with him for my healthy parenting article about childhood obesity (There I am next to him), coming in the July/August issue of Healthy Edge Magazine. We discussed the latest research, and what parents can do to confront the issue. (Listen to the full radio show here!) I loved picking his brain about the biological, socioeconomic and psychosocial factors that contribute to this epidemic, and I learned a TON! One of the main points–Obesity is a disease that must be confronted with a behavioral-based, family approach…and the emotional complications that kids experience far outweigh the physical ones. Also, we discussed what busy parents can do to prevent it. (Get this–Prevention starts BEFORE you start your family!) Jennifer Muscato lives with her husband, two children, and golden retriever. She is a multimedia writer, ACSM Certified Personal Trainer & fitness instructor. Her background includes award-winning broadcast marketing and promotion, and she is also Adam's awesome sister. You can find out more about her and her work at This Week in the Rhema "Christian Yoga" Weekly...My relationship with God isn't based on which church I go to, or whether I make mistakes in my life and relationships.
It's based upon how much time I spend with him. How hungry I am to pursue relationship with him. How much of myself I bring to my time with God. My daily practice on the mat and in meditation makes all the difference here. Whether in prayer or down-dog, my practice not only helps me spend more time with God, but helps me bring all of myself to the mat; relating to God, interacting with God, and focused on my relationship with God. Christian yogis differ in many ways with most western yogis, and one way is in that we have a very spiritual practice. Enjoy your practice. Do more than stretch and breath. Worship. This Week in the Rhema "Christian Yoga" Weekly...Some people may have thought about doing yoga for quite some time, but were afraid they would look silly, or wouldn't be able to do the poses. "Yoga just isn't for me - I don't have the body type for that" is a common thought we tell ourselves. Others may fear that yoga is not good for Christians, and that Christian Yoga is an evil thing. While I understand this fear, I believe that it is also a fear that many followers of Jesus don't need to partner with, if we do the proper amount of research.
Being scared absolutely will hold you back from your calling and destiny. God is good, so he will never take his plan for our life away from us out of punishment, but he also won't force it upon us. Fear holds us back from preaching, sharing testimonies, building community, and influencing others. One of the things that I want Rhema Yoga to change in the world is this: people being scared. It's true, other people may not like a stronger you. I would suggest you don't worry what others think, whether it's good or bad. You are you. You don't have to change yourself based on what others think. God made you a masterpiece. He gave you a strong heart, and a beautiful mind. Don't hold back! Don't hold back --- Be who you were meant to be --- Rhema Yoga can help get you there. This Week in the Rhema "Christian Yoga" Weekly...In my life as a Christian yogi, I’ve met 3 main types of challengers to the idea of Christian Yoga being “okay” to do.
For some Christians, yoga may really be a bad idea – even Christian Yoga. Let them live under such a premise until God tells them differently, knowing that he may never do so. Only God knows their hearts and their walk. You do not, and it’s not your place to judge what their opinion should be on yoga. Whatever answers you decide upon for the challenges you hear, make sure that you really believe them, and that Holy Spirit confirms them. You need to be able to speak with power and conviction when you discuss your practice, and in order to do that, it’s important to have a peace with your decision to practice yoga. In all things, be sure you answer with love for the person challenging or questioning you. We’re all in this together. Be okay with whatever the questioner decides about yoga, and move on. This Week in the Rhema "Christian Yoga" Weekly...Giving Brightens the World and Changes Your PerspectiveIt often seems counter-intuitive and to many people, it even sounds a little corny, but giving lifts your mood quickly and makes you begin to see the good in life again.
When we give to others, we are loving others. We are going against the negative, stressful situations in life and operating in the opposite spirit. That makes the world a little brighter and brightens someone elses day. It also shifts your perspective and changes the lens you see the world with. It's sad that this seems like a corny sentiment to many people in what can be a cynical, self-centered world, but nothing changes perspectives more than trying it out for yourself! So give. It will brighten you day. This Week in the Rhema "Christian Yoga" Weekly...To many people in the world today, "depth" and "wisdom" look a gloomy, pessimistic perspective on the world and life around us. The idea is that this is a hard way to live, but that the truly wise are courageous enough to live this way because they are deciding to see the world for the way it really is - ugly, hopeless and unfair. True wisdom, depth and courage comes from choosing to see the beauty of the world, despite any levels of darkness. To decide to have a happy disposition and a joyful attitude despite circumstances shows real depth and quality of character, because it is often harder to be joyful and happy in the world. It is easier to be unhappy and cynical, but the unhappy and cynical are choosing the easy way out. What do you think? The chronically unhappy almost always blame other people for their unhappiness. The ironic problem here is that blaming these other people ensures that they will remain unhappy. Those who take responsibility for their unhappiness, despite the role others have played in their lives, become empowered to enjoy a life of happiness. Do you surround yourself with others who reinforce your ideas that others make you unhappy? That these other people are responsible for your unhappiness? Whether these people are close friends, parents or psychotherapists, they are not helping, they are hurting. It's a choice. Blame others for your unhappiness, or get happy. Which will you chose? Let us know what you think! |
Adam MarksCoffee Lover. Yogi. Son. Archives
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